Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

VINTurbo.com offers a service that allows you to check the VIN number (frame number) of the vehicle you want to purchase (or drive) in a number of European, US and Canadian databases. With the information they receive, VINTurbo can help you get the right information and a real idea of ​​the vehicle you are targeting. For example, you can get information about the actual production date, factory color, extras, factory defects (if any), whether the vehicle has suffered crashes, stolen, etc. We all know the numbers of the majority of car dealers – the so-called “refreshment”, which may include mileage returns, repainting, changing parts and a number of other processes designed to bring the car in good shape. The purpose of VINTurbo is to protect future owners from unfair traders.

General terms

By using VINTurbo.com also called VINTurbo you agree to the following terms and conditions of use:

The information provided by VINTurbo is based on information in various databases of manufacturers and insurers. Any deviation or discrepancy is due to incorrectly entered or missing information in these databases, and VINTurbo is not responsible for that.

1. Lack of information
It is possible that the report you receive from us will not contain information about service, photos or significant damage. This happens when the vehicle you are checking is not serviced in authorized repairers in Bulgaria, Europe, the United States and Canada. Unauthorized repairers are not required to keep and update the information about the operations they have performed in the databases VINTurbo verifies.

2. Incorrectly issued VIN number

In cases where the VIN number you submitted is incorrect, the amount you paid for verification is NOT refundable.
3. Deadlines for preparing and submitting a report
The deadline for our report is 1 to 24 working hours after your payment is received. In cases where a database does not work or events that are independent of VINTURBO are available, it is possible to extend the time limit.